People with Psoriasis can benefit greatly from the food they eat and lifestyle . Many researches have shown that fatty acids,beta carotene,omega-3, folate, zinc etc are important in the control of psoriasis .Carrots,apricots,mangoes and green leafy vegitables are rich in beta carotene which then body converts into vitaminA which is very necessary for the skin.Flax seeds are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids.Brocholi which is rich in folate and wholegrain foods which are rich in zinc are also essential.The best thing is to eat lively foods which are from organically grown vegitables.Avoid too much intake of carbohydrates and dariy products.But butter is exceptional because omega-3 oils are found in butter obtained from grass eating cows.
In addition to all these the patient should drink lots of water atleast 2litres per day.
- Red meat
- Dairy food except butter from grass feed cows
- Eggs
- Smoking and Use of Drinks
- high fatty ,spicy foods
So I think you start eating the way our ancestors did.
1 comment:
One thing you forgot to say ie wheat ..sometimes you maynot be knowing that yeh wheat also comes under the category of food to avoid.
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