Sunday, April 16, 2006

Magic of Turmeric-PART1

This is turmeric, Manjal in Malayalam which comes under the same family of ginger. Its brilliant yellow color is because of the presence of curcumin chemical that also makes it a brilliant and active dye. This is used in India extensively in dishes as it is a taste enhancer. Turmeric is considered to be effective in healing internal injuries. Turmeric is one of the best antiseptics known to man. It has been considered to be good for strengthening stomach and purifying blood. Turmeric’s use in children’s common cough will be illustrated in my following post.
Mixture of turmeric, sandalwood, fresh cream is good for the skin as it is a rejuvenating cream. This is good for dry skin, skin discoloration and prevents ageing. This turmeric is used by ancient royal ladies as cosmetic. This turmeric powder mixed with red sandal made into paste is applied to the skin. This helps to remove pimples, unwanted black marks due to pimples etc and also prevents ageing and keeps the skin fairer for ever.
Turmeric is a well known medicine to control psoriasis. It can be made into paste and applied into the infected area. About 2-3 Gms of turmeric can be taken into the body directly or by adding in dishes will also help to control psoriasis.