Psoriasis is a chronic, recurring skin disease, which can affects both sexes equally and which can vary from mild, occasional outbreaks to more severe cases of the condition. Psoriasis is caused by the cycle of skin cell renewal becoming accelerated, leading to an accumulation of dead skin cells on the surface. This shows up as red, sore-looking patches on the skin with silvery scales, occurring most commonly on the elbows, knees and scalp. In severe cases, larger areas of the body may be affected.
There is no absolute known cause for psoriasis, but there is a genetic component to the condition. It can appear for the first time at any age, but is more likely to appear between the ages of 11 and 45. It is important to note that psoriasis is not contagious, nor can it be transferred from one area of the body to another. Recent studies show that there may be an ethnic link. It seems that psoriasis is most common in Caucasians and slightly less common in African Americans. Worldwide, psoriasis is most common in Scandinavia and other parts of northern Europe. It appears to be far less common among Asians and is rare in Native Americans.
There also is a genetic component associated with psoriasis. Approximately one-third of people who develop psoriasis have at least one family member with the condition.
A child with one affected parent has a 15% chance of developing the disease and this rises to 50% if both the parents are affected. Therefore the children should be given special attention by keeping their skin slightly oily,avoid too much fried foods etc.
I think psoriasis cannot be cured completely but only can be controlled.
The psoriasis affected person's skin will normally dry type and therefore it should be kept slightly oily to avoid odiscomfort.Normally oils like coconut oil can be used.But we can make certain special oil for better results.Its better to be vegitarian to avoid further infections.
Special oil can be prepared like this
Leaves of vettupala/dendapala(wrightia tinctoria)
Leaves of neela amari
any oil
Take one firewood earthen pot and fill it with oil and the leaves.Keep this in sunlight for continous seven days.After the first day itself the oil colour will become dark green which means the medicinal essence of leaves are being transferred into the oil.
After seven days the oil can be used for massage over the skin.
Try this out!!!